The motion debated this week was "This House would ban strikes in essential services."
Those in favour of the motion say 'aye', the others say 'nay'.
This is a blog of debating students. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the authors.
The motion debated this week was "This House would ban strikes in essential services."
Those in favour of the motion say 'aye', the others say 'nay'.
We have faced in this debate two points of view about strikes: ours, showing the selfishness and the practical problems linked with strikes; and from our fellows of the opposition team, where strikes are the way of the oppressed class to get their wishes fulfilled. They brought us examples from ancient times, and they insist to make you believe that the conditions today are the same as those of that long past time.
Today workers have their right well established in the constitutions; they have in their favor a group of laws that well define times of work, conditions of work, ways of getting in or out a company, conditions of retirement. In the past, perhaps a long past, these basic rights were not assured, so strikes were necessary. Today, we even see countries were the protection to workers can be considered even exaggerated, so the need for strikes has just gone away.
Also, it’s just not right to say that someone has done “everything” possible to get his cause. It’s not possible to generalize the number of ways of negotiating with the other parts. One can always find another proposition, of find an intermediary to help the discussion, the possibilities are non exhaustive. So no one should state that he’s tried all ways, and now he should try striking.
Indeed, strikes are part of democratic societies, just like corruption and violence also do. Like the formers, we say they should not be anymore. Essential services are an extreme delicate point of the good state of society, thus they are evidently the main target of strikes. It’s inacceptable that some people affect others’ lives to make pressure to their cause. Societies are based in mutual respect, and considering that strikes would be successful ONLY because of the potential damage they could bring to people, they should be banned. Don’t analyze the situation from a romantic, heroic and extreme point of view like our friends from the opposition team. Be realistic, think about practical life, and realize that the entire world would be more organized, fairer and less stressful if strikes were banned. When you vote, just think about the impacts of others’ strikes in your life, about what they brought to you, and you’ll soon notice how selfish this action is. Thanks for your attention, and VOTE FOR US!
Let us round the confused „argument” of our fellow opposers with pills and muscles. They say that not striking is like taking pills, ergo negotiation and progression without agression is like taking pills. Which means clearly that unions and diplomats are dopers, oh my god! We know that you, wise reader, cannot be misled by such an absurdity so let’s take a look at our arguments.
Why should a „few instants of pain” generate a strike? Why should a „few instants of pain” of a thousand workers should cause the discomfort and misery of millions? Democratic society is a well formed unity and it has its own institutions and ways to find solution to conflicts between employer and employees. These are the unions, debates, negotiations, etc. which are destinated to solve such problems.
In extreme cases it can be strikes, yes, they are nowadays part of the society, but their goal is basically definitely not to paralyse and ruin it. Which is actually the case of the strikes in essential services.
Therefore in this sector we should base on the pacific ways of solving conflicts (the above ways) and in case of an inevitable strike we should ensure a minimum service; so that students could go to school and sicks could go to the hospital to be healed in any moment.
After all that’s the reason why we are paying taxes and that’s why you should vote for us!
The motion debated this week was "This House would bossnap."
Those in favour of the motion say 'aye', the others say 'nay'.
Boss-napping (or bossnapping) is a new coined term for an old activity. It consists of preventing the management (hereafter, "the bosses") of a company, or of a plant, to leave the location at the end of the day, when a deep social conflict is on-going. Those people are held overnight by the workers, who act openly -- they do not hide their faces, etc. -- and without any physical violence whatsoever. The bosses are well treated, well fed, and are not threatened.
As we can see, bossnapping is a tool, among others that the workers use in the event of a social conflict -- going on strike, picketting, blocking roads and other strategic means of transportation, witholding production, etc. In the event of bossnapping, no violence is involved. Only fair psychological pressure. Yes, it is true that bossnapping is a very powerful means of pressure, meant to be used as a last resort weapon. But we consider it as being the appropriate response to the most threating situations for the workers and the employees -- being laid off close to the retirement age, with a very small severance package.
For when the workers find themselves in such a situation, they are nearly helpless. Often they do not have the financial resources needed to bounce back and find a new job, when they are young enough to do so. Often, they have devoted all their time and all their energy to the company, adjusting themselves when asked to. They have been for years the silent -- and often, willing -- victims of a cruel system. So, when the situation turns to the worst, when other means of negociations are exhausted, when the management of a company doesn't care about roads being blocked, or workers being on strike, they have to turn to the only possibility they are left with: making the bosses understand, in their flesh, what being trapped into something they do not control feels like.
Nowadays, because of the financial crisis, bossnapping is becoming a national sport. However, it has long been an integral part of the French tradition, dating back to the Front Populaire of the 30's, and was, until recently, a typical French method. The foreign press is now integrating it as a part of the exception culturelle that French people feel proud of and foreigners respect. Cheese, wine and bossnapping.
In our following speeches, we will give a deeper look at the properties of boss-napping: efficiency, speed, fairness and above all, a little bit of adventure, fun, and respect for the bosses in the middle of a financial turmoil. And that, gentlemen, is priceless.
We are not going to debater-nap you until Wednesday, so enjoy yourselves, and vote for us !
Damien and Laurent
This week's motion is:
"This House would bossnap."
The proposing team is JBH, Damien V, Laurent S. and the opposing team is Sylvestre A, Matthieu B and Pierre-Louis P.
Enjoy !
Our thanks go to both team for their great argumentations and the skill with which they have led us through this first debate. Now...
Those in favour of the motion say 'aye', the others say 'nay'.
First, we have to apologize : we, in the opposing team, are not very good at love. "Good?" you'll say ! Well yes, according to the proposing team it seems that love is something you can be good at, and even improve, be better.
"Hey Thomas, what are you doing on Saturday ? Wanna go out ?
-No way, I'm too busy ! I've got some physics to do, and then practice my love. I'm getting quite good ; and if I have time I'll do a few push-ups."
Love seems to be something mechanic, which has nothing to do with feelings. According to the proposing team, the first stage of love is sex : you meet a girl, and you have sex. And then you want to have sex with her every time you see her. Wow ! So that's what experience is : every time you meet a girl, you just have sex with her. God, I wish I was more experienced ! So basically it's like in a porno : you just walk passed a girl in the street, hook up with her, and then maybe engage in such a big deal as a conversation to see if you actually like her and might be interested in getting in a relationship that might eventually lead to romantic love.
Now that we've seen how silly this brand new revolutionary concept was, let us summarize our arguments. As we said before, love is both made of the physical attraction for your partner, which is natural, and of this little big thing called romantic love that is the heart of our debate. Usually (at least in the world we live in, which seems to be somehow a parallel universe with that of the proposers) you are in love with your partner before having sex with him. Usually, you want your sweet little candy to be next to you all the time. Usually, you don’t know her really well so you want to spend time with her to learn things about her. And this is basically always true and sincere, and it is not a matter of age as the proposing team suggests, it is not a matter of maturity, it’s simply and totally natural. And most of all, yes, it is sincere, and certainly not selfish.
What was that again, the very selfish vision of love our fellow proposers introduced, the 'selfish love' ? The idea of going out with a girl on the basis that she loves you ? Oh, but that is not love, that is sheer and simple illusion, the simulation of a couple, a fake relationship. You don't date a girl because you want to feel loved. You date a girl because you love her, and the only thing that matters to you is that she feels right, you always want to cocoon her so that she feels protected. And since love is mutual, she will do the same for you, so you will feel loved, protected and so on. But please, don’t be ridiculous saying out loud the only thing you are looking for when dating a girl is your own reflection in a mirror !
Also, there is something very knew in the rebuttal of the proposing team : the notion of conjugal love. For them, this is the best part of love : the deep complicity you have with your husband. But if we watch closely, they are contradicting themselves. It is well known that true feelings need time to develop, so how do we wait for the loved one ? With the help of romantic love, of course ! So if we say romantic love is an illusion, then it means marriages are based on illusion, which would be quite sad, wouldn't it ? Moreover, it means that love is in fact a 3-part act, we could teach in Love for Dummies, a big book that would be sold in libraries, between Maths for Statisticians and Quantic Physics 101. Indeed, mechanically as we said previously, you would first have sex with someone, then you'd over-play some love, and finally, you'd learn how to love this person in order to get married.
Now, come on, please come down to the real word. If you have enough of people thinking just because we are engineers we're going to believe that romantic love is an illusion, and that Love can simply be explained by TheBig Black Book of Determinist Love, by Thomas Darwin and David Einstein, then vote for us !
The everlasting lovers
Without prima facie concern for the other's welfare that grows out of admiration and idealization of the other, there is no romantic love.
We really appreciate that our friends of the proposition have helped us with their introductory speech. Actually, instead of proving that romantic love is an illusion, they defined very well what romantic love was, but they misunderstood the very beauty of it.
So apparently, when in love we tend both to idealize the loved one and to feel in love for the wrong reason, not because we truly have feelings for the person but rather because it feels good to be loved ourselves (the logic of which we failed to grasp, by the way)…
But let’s think about one point at a time. -- Girls, and gays, don’t feel offended, but so as not to talk about a “person”, which is cold, and for obvious proportions reasons, we are from now on adopting the point of view of a straight dude – So do we idealize the loved one? Oh yeah, we do! Don’t we repeatedly say she’s the most perfect woman on earth? This certainly is exaggerating since:
a) we have usually passed by a maximum of 10 000 girls for the luckiest of us, so making a comparison between all the girls on Earth seems fairly justified !
b) we are all able to list at least 3 things we dislike in dearly loved, so talking about “perfect” seems excessive. So no, she’s not perfect, and yes, we do idealize her. And that’s actually what enables relationships to last longer than a week!
Let us engineers say we list and note all her qualities/shortcomings, with (+1) for each quality and (-1) for each shortcoming, and then add it all up. If we stuck to the bare image of her, and didn’t emphasize what we like or love in her, we’d end up with a perfectly balanced list, and a sharp zero as a total, for she is human after all, and has just as many defects as qualities. So then we would be just as disposed to break up with her after a fight as we were to get together just after the first kiss, as there would be no cement to consolidate the bond this first kiss had established. And since we all know life is just not like that, there has to be some sort of cement, the name of which you could easily guess. The idealization of what we love in her that comes with romantic love, is to relationships what chemical bonds are to atoms, keeping it all together whenever small disturbances occur.
Yes people, along with language, cooking, smoking weed and whatever-just-as-silly-you-might-have-heard-in-your-life, what distinguishes humans from animals is our capacity to resist to impulses, just as we said we managed to fought the call of the sirens down the Red District in Amsterdam, remember ? And among other impulses, we resist the temptation of bitchslapping this stupid cunt out of our apartment when she pisses us off, because something stronger than this immediate fury tells us she’s worth the pain of controlling ourselves, something powerful and most certainly real, called love, and you’ve guessed it’s not the sex part we’re talking about, so it has to be the romantic part we introduced as the gap between sex and love.
Once again the proposing team has shown a very sad vision of love: you love someone to be loved in return. What a strange vision of love. We won’t discuss this point too long because one should be totally twisted to think this way. The concept of love is including the idea of altruism, this very idea that you love someone but you don’t expect something in return. Let’s take the example of a lover who is going to declare his love offering to the person he loves flowers, and why not the most romantic (and cliché) flowers on Earth: red roses. He is not expecting anything, he is even not expecting her to say that she loves him too; he only wants to tell her that he is in love and that this is the most beautiful feeling ever. However, if they date eventually, their mutual love would really be much stronger than in a couple that didn’t include this notion of altruism in their relationship (yes, because hanging out in students parties Mathieu B. is referring at in his comment doesn't include the concept of altruism). And to answer to Mr. Pitt that said that romantic love should be replaced by stronger foundations, those foundations are included in the notion of altruism that exists in romantic love. How can you expect spending the rest of your life with a person if you don’t love this person for what she is and not only for the fact that she loves you?
Let us sum up our point: yes romantic love idealizes the beloved one, but we are not looking after the “reflection of ourselves” as Laurent S. said in his comment. Love is made both of romantic love and of sexual attraction between the two lovers, and that’s not because sex is more easy to see than romantic love (even if some romantic lovers are very demonstrative) than romantic love is an illusion. That’s why we want you to vote for us !
The idealizing gardeners
"This House would ban strikes in essential services"
Those in favour of the motion say 'aye', the others say 'nay'.