Saturday, May 30, 2009
Opposition team - Closing
How can you possibly read the arguments of the proposition team without reacting at all?!
They are saying that the need for strikes has disappeared. Oh really? Ask some Northe Korean workers about it. In communist countries, strikes are banned, since they injure the fatherland by stopping production. But in these countries workers haven't any rights.
The right to join a trade union and the right to strike are as fundamental as freedom of speech. If you don't have them, you are not an employee but a serf, and a society that outlaws strikes isn't free. Then if you agree on the fact that we must protect the freedom of speech and the right to express your disagreement with the people making decisions for you, then you will agree that we cannot ban strikes at all.
Let's now recap the proposing team's arguments from the beginning. They believe that "strikes without guarateeing a minimum service should be banned". Well i have to thank you because that's proving our point. Damages caused by strikes could be decreased by creating a minimum service. We need to use this idea so that we will ensure the right of going on strike and people can arrive at work on time.
Then they said that striking is an extreme way of protesting. But when injustices made are extreme, when decisions such a delocalization are taken, don't you think that extreme measures are necessary? "To protect the sheep you gotta catch the wolf. And you gotta be a wolf to catch a wolf." (Training day)
Now let's see our arguments. We, in the opposition team, think that striking is only the ultimate means of expression when nothing else has worked out. Once talks with the executives failed, once union's negotiations aborted, once seething masses feel abandoned and doomed, striking is the last resort. If you do not offer the possibility to workers to be heard and understood, we all might encounter greater damage than being late at work! If you are beeing bullied by the government or your boss, you need to have th ability to fight back. And strikes are that power. The only mighty one that they have and can use in extreme cases.
I would like to conclude by saying that we believe that there always is a way to prevent strikes. That is to bargain a settlement. A legislative ban on strikes in all essential services or all public services simply doesn't work. It is unnecessary and inefective. It can only create more frustration and disillusion. Bargaining on the contrary is the only way that ever works.
And I'm being realistic here!
Thank you everyone for your attention. Now you can use your freedom of opinion by voting to defend another freedom : the strike freedom.
Jean-Baptiste D.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Proposition Team - Closing
We have faced in this debate two points of view about strikes: ours, showing the selfishness and the practical problems linked with strikes; and from our fellows of the opposition team, where strikes are the way of the oppressed class to get their wishes fulfilled. They brought us examples from ancient times, and they insist to make you believe that the conditions today are the same as those of that long past time.
Today workers have their right well established in the constitutions; they have in their favor a group of laws that well define times of work, conditions of work, ways of getting in or out a company, conditions of retirement. In the past, perhaps a long past, these basic rights were not assured, so strikes were necessary. Today, we even see countries were the protection to workers can be considered even exaggerated, so the need for strikes has just gone away.
Also, it’s just not right to say that someone has done “everything” possible to get his cause. It’s not possible to generalize the number of ways of negotiating with the other parts. One can always find another proposition, of find an intermediary to help the discussion, the possibilities are non exhaustive. So no one should state that he’s tried all ways, and now he should try striking.
Indeed, strikes are part of democratic societies, just like corruption and violence also do. Like the formers, we say they should not be anymore. Essential services are an extreme delicate point of the good state of society, thus they are evidently the main target of strikes. It’s inacceptable that some people affect others’ lives to make pressure to their cause. Societies are based in mutual respect, and considering that strikes would be successful ONLY because of the potential damage they could bring to people, they should be banned. Don’t analyze the situation from a romantic, heroic and extreme point of view like our friends from the opposition team. Be realistic, think about practical life, and realize that the entire world would be more organized, fairer and less stressful if strikes were banned. When you vote, just think about the impacts of others’ strikes in your life, about what they brought to you, and you’ll soon notice how selfish this action is. Thanks for your attention, and VOTE FOR US!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Opposing team - Rebuttal
Let's take some time and remind us of the very nature of striking, its history and influence. Let's consider dwelling a few seconds on wiping our opposers' prejudices and dangerous ideas. They clearly exhibited the embarrassed feeling of the train passenger, waiting at the station, shouting his discomfort and mourning while secretly wishing that those lazy train operators were just doing the job they're paid for. Today, striking is legal (and even a constitutional right in France) - a century-and-a-half ago (before May 1864, in France), it was not. However, strikes can be traced back to Ancient Egypt - it wasn't legal either, workers even risked their lives. Even today, strikers risk their pay, if not their job or - in some countries - their lives.
Two points : strikers wouldn't wait for authorization, and they don't do this for fun. Let's not consider further the first argument, which would doom our opposers' stance as completely useless, as we agree on Law stating what should be, not what is. Focus on the second one : the proposing team already explained the many ways workers can try to make their voices heard - and believe us, they do. When you choose to engage in such an activity, you have good reasons, one of them being you don't trust - or can't afford - any other means. Our litterate opposers have certainly read Germinal, or newspapers, and their culture of History makes them aware that many breakthroughs have been fulfilled following massive popular refusal to work - among which paid vacations. Contestation stems not in the destructive and uneducated will to express oneself, rather in the despair-stricken masses whose voice is dimmed in the name of the value of their work.
On what grounds would the proposing team allow "non-essential" workers to speak, and mute the "essential" ones ? It shines clearly that strikes are part of Democracy, as deeply rooted in our rights as is Public service. Strikes should not leave us angry on the slothful, loud-speaking, not-doing-their-job people ; it should raise sympathy, reveal the painful condition of strikers and think about what's not right, at every level.
In the name of Democracy, wouldn't we rather die to let them speak, than see them gagged ? In the name of Democracy, shouldn't we be concerned about every citizen's well-being ? Shouldn't altruism take over comfort ?
Well, we think it does. Vote for us.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Proposing team - Rebuttal
Let us round the confused „argument” of our fellow opposers with pills and muscles. They say that not striking is like taking pills, ergo negotiation and progression without agression is like taking pills. Which means clearly that unions and diplomats are dopers, oh my god! We know that you, wise reader, cannot be misled by such an absurdity so let’s take a look at our arguments.
Why should a „few instants of pain” generate a strike? Why should a „few instants of pain” of a thousand workers should cause the discomfort and misery of millions? Democratic society is a well formed unity and it has its own institutions and ways to find solution to conflicts between employer and employees. These are the unions, debates, negotiations, etc. which are destinated to solve such problems.
In extreme cases it can be strikes, yes, they are nowadays part of the society, but their goal is basically definitely not to paralyse and ruin it. Which is actually the case of the strikes in essential services.
Therefore in this sector we should base on the pacific ways of solving conflicts (the above ways) and in case of an inevitable strike we should ensure a minimum service; so that students could go to school and sicks could go to the hospital to be healed in any moment.
After all that’s the reason why we are paying taxes and that’s why you should vote for us!
Opposing Team - Opening Speech
Let us think about it. What s the purpose of striking ? Our dear fellow of the opposing team might tell you it sums up to some sort of blackmailing : if you do not give me better working conditions, i will tear the society apart by blocking public transportation, medical facilities or anything that could satisfy my weariless thirst of disaster. The intension of the strikes these days due to the financial-turmoil-turned-into-a-globalized-crisis and the growing deafness of our statesmen (we will come to that later) might misleadingly arouse you that sort of ideas.
Here is the truth. Striking is only the ultimate means of expression. Once talks with the executive failed, once unions negociations aborted, once seething masses feel abandonned and doomed, striking is the last resort, the only remaining means of expressing our craving for change. If you do not offer the possibility to workers to be heard and understood, we all might encounter greater catastrophe.
On a less gloomy and ominous tone, it is like exercising overmuch. The next day one of your prostrate muscle might hurt for a few hours. Thus you become aware of the burden it bore and the next time you will pay more attention to it. This works the same with the strikers. Few instants of pain to point out greater suffering to come. Should we take pills never to feel that pain, like Tour de France contenders do - and die of afterwards ?
Do not swallow that pill our dear fellow proposers smirkingly proffer. The right to strike is the right to be heard when the society turn a deaf ear to your beseeching. Repulse the gag that shadows your mouth. Make some noise. Vote for us.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Proposing Team - Opening Speech
First, as the word strike we mean a strike which paralyses the function of an essential service in the society, for instance when there are no trains or there is no education. We are considering this selfish and destructive way of striking which is highly dangerous to the society.
It is destructive and dangerous because – like their name shows – these services are essential for the fonction of a society. We need hospitals to heal and to save people, schools to ensure the education of our children and airports to be able to travel far and fast and we need them all the time!
By paying taxes we have accepted to be part of a society and in change we are expecting from the State to protect us, to operate hospitals and schools, etc. In the very beginning man and State had made a deal and by shutting down these insitutions workers are hurting the virtual contract on which societies are built on.
Third online debate - This house would ban strikes in essential services
This week's motion is :
The proposing team is Enrique, Daniel and George (or Casper we don't reallt know for the moment) and the opposing team is Benjamin, Rémi and JBD.