First, we have to apologize : we, in the opposing team, are not very good at love. "Good?" you'll say ! Well yes, according to the proposing team it seems that love is something you can be good at, and even improve, be better.
"Hey Thomas, what are you doing on Saturday ? Wanna go out ?
-No way, I'm too busy ! I've got some physics to do, and then practice my love. I'm getting quite good ; and if I have time I'll do a few push-ups."
Love seems to be something mechanic, which has nothing to do with feelings. According to the proposing team, the first stage of love is sex : you meet a girl, and you have sex. And then you want to have sex with her every time you see her. Wow ! So that's what experience is : every time you meet a girl, you just have sex with her. God, I wish I was more experienced ! So basically it's like in a porno : you just walk passed a girl in the street, hook up with her, and then maybe engage in such a big deal as a conversation to see if you actually like her and might be interested in getting in a relationship that might eventually lead to romantic love.
Now that we've seen how silly this brand new revolutionary concept was, let us summarize our arguments. As we said before, love is both made of the physical attraction for your partner, which is natural, and of this little big thing called romantic love that is the heart of our debate. Usually (at least in the world we live in, which seems to be somehow a parallel universe with that of the proposers) you are in love with your partner before having sex with him. Usually, you want your sweet little candy to be next to you all the time. Usually, you don’t know her really well so you want to spend time with her to learn things about her. And this is basically always true and sincere, and it is not a matter of age as the proposing team suggests, it is not a matter of maturity, it’s simply and totally natural. And most of all, yes, it is sincere, and certainly not selfish.
What was that again, the very selfish vision of love our fellow proposers introduced, the 'selfish love' ? The idea of going out with a girl on the basis that she loves you ? Oh, but that is not love, that is sheer and simple illusion, the simulation of a couple, a fake relationship. You don't date a girl because you want to feel loved. You date a girl because you love her, and the only thing that matters to you is that she feels right, you always want to cocoon her so that she feels protected. And since love is mutual, she will do the same for you, so you will feel loved, protected and so on. But please, don’t be ridiculous saying out loud the only thing you are looking for when dating a girl is your own reflection in a mirror !
Also, there is something very knew in the rebuttal of the proposing team : the notion of conjugal love. For them, this is the best part of love : the deep complicity you have with your husband. But if we watch closely, they are contradicting themselves. It is well known that true feelings need time to develop, so how do we wait for the loved one ? With the help of romantic love, of course ! So if we say romantic love is an illusion, then it means marriages are based on illusion, which would be quite sad, wouldn't it ? Moreover, it means that love is in fact a 3-part act, we could teach in Love for Dummies, a big book that would be sold in libraries, between Maths for Statisticians and Quantic Physics 101. Indeed, mechanically as we said previously, you would first have sex with someone, then you'd over-play some love, and finally, you'd learn how to love this person in order to get married.
Now, come on, please come down to the real word. If you have enough of people thinking just because we are engineers we're going to believe that romantic love is an illusion, and that Love can simply be explained by TheBig Black Book of Determinist Love, by Thomas Darwin and David Einstein, then vote for us !
The everlasting lovers